Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Super fucking tuesday...

Lets start this off by saying that i fucking hate politics. This year really solidified that, Living in San Francisco you cant really get away from it. I'm so sick of Bandwagon political people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about and are voting for popularity reasons only. I have a completely different reason for voting Obama than anyone else i know. I also am hoping for that so-called "Change" everyone is talking about....Funny thing is....Nobody really knows what that change will be and how it will come about. I voted for Obama because if he takes office that is an instant major change than what the US is used to....all we have had are old white mother fuckers running this country and now there is the strong possibility that a young black man with a muslim name is gonna run things. Of course if you're like me you believe that the country is ran by the federal reserve regardless of the hand puppets that occupy the white house. One of the major reasons I voted Obama has to do with Race. One thing i hate more than anything is Racism, I truly believe Obama taking office would have a major positive impact on racism. I don't even know why im talking about this.....I seriously hate this shit but i guess i caught the political bug which there really is no vaccination for. In the end, I guess i really dont give a fuck who gets elected because i don't believe it affects my life either way. Atleast if Mccain gets elected there is the possibility of a Sarah Palin nip slip and lots more porn's with Lisa Ann portraying the old alaskan Babe. SO GO OUT AND VOTE OR NOT...WHO REALLY GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

That better be a turkish royal!!!!!!!